Module: ol/source/IIIF




Type Definitions


Name Type Argument Default Description
attributions module:ol/source/Source~AttributionLike <optional>


attributionsCollapsible boolean <optional>

Attributions are collapsible.

cacheSize number <optional>
crossOrigin null | string <optional>
extent module:ol/extent~Extent <optional>
[0, -height, width, 0]
format string <optional>

Requested image format.

imageSmoothing boolean <optional>

Enable image smoothing.

projection module:ol/proj~ProjectionLike <optional>
quality string <optional>

Requested IIIF image quality. Default is 'native' for version 1, 'default' for versions 2 and 3.

reprojectionErrorThreshold number <optional>

Maximum allowed reprojection error (in pixels). Higher values can increase reprojection performance, but decrease precision.

resolutions Array.<number> <optional>

Supported resolutions as given in IIIF 'scaleFactors'

size module:ol/size~Size

Size of the image [width, height].

sizes Array.<module:ol/size~Size> <optional>

Supported scaled image sizes. Content of the IIIF info.json 'sizes' property, but as array of Size objects.

state module:ol/source/State <optional>

Source state.

supports Array.<string> <optional>

Supported IIIF region and size calculation features.

tilePixelRatio number <optional>
tileSize number | module:ol/size~Size <optional>

Tile size. Same tile size is used for all zoom levels. If tile size is a number, a square tile is assumed. If the IIIF image service supports arbitrary tiling (sizeByH, sizeByW, sizeByWh or sizeByPct as well as regionByPx or regionByPct are supported), the default tilesize is 256.

transition number <optional>
url string <optional>

Base URL of the IIIF Image service. This should be the same as the IIIF Image ID.

version module:ol/format/IIIFInfo~Versions <optional>

Service's IIIF Image API version.

zDirection number <optional>

Indicate which resolution should be used by a renderer if the view resolution does not match any resolution of the tile source. If 0, the nearest resolution will be used. If 1, the nearest lower resolution will be used. If -1, the nearest higher resolution will be used.