MS4W Demo WMS / WFS / OGCAPI Server - Collection Items: World Countries


Number of matching items: 177
Number of returned items: 10
Page: of

ID abbrev abbrev_len adm0_a3 adm0_a3_is adm0_a3_un adm0_a3_us adm0_a3_wb adm0_dif admin brk_a3 brk_diff brk_group brk_name continent economy featurecla fips_10_ formal_en formal_fr gdp_md_est gdp_year geou_dif geounit gu_a3 homepart income_grp iso_a2 iso_a3 iso_a3_eh iso_n3 labelrank lastcensus level long_len mapcolor13 mapcolor7 mapcolor8 mapcolor9 max_label min_label min_zoom name name_alt name_ar name_bn name_ciawf name_de name_el name_en name_es name_fr name_hi name_hu name_id name_it name_ja name_ko name_len name_long name_nl name_pl name_pt name_ru name_sort name_sv name_tr name_vi name_zh ne_id note_adm0 note_brk pop_est pop_rank pop_year postal region_un region_wb scalerank sov_a3 sovereignt su_a3 su_dif subregion subunit tiny type un_a3 wb_a2 wb_a3 wikidataid wikipedia woe_id woe_id_eh woe_note
1159320493 Chile 5 CHL CHL -99 CHL -99 0 Chile CHL 0 Chile South America 5. Emerging region: G20 Admin-0 country CI Republic of Chile 436100.0 2016 0 Chile CHL 1 3. Upper middle income CL CHL CHL 152 2 2002 2 5 9 5 1 5 6.7 1.7 0.0 Chile تشيلي চিলি Chile Chile Χιλή Chile Chile Chili चिली Chile Chili Cile チリ 칠레 5 Chile Chili Chile Chile Чили Chile Chile Şili Chile 智利 1159320493 17789267 14 2017 CL Americas Latin America & Caribbean 1 CHL Chile CHL 0 South America Chile -99 Sovereign country 152 CL CHL Q298 -99 23424782 23424782 Exact WOE match as country
1159320513 D.R.C. 6 COD COD -99 COD -99 0 Democratic Republic of the Congo COD 0 Democratic Republic of the Congo Africa 7. Least developed region Admin-0 country CG Democratic Republic of the Congo 66010.0 2016 0 Democratic Republic of the Congo COD 1 5. Low income CD COD COD 180 2 1984 2 32 7 4 4 4 7.0 2.0 0.0 Dem. Rep. Congo جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية গণতান্ত্রিক কঙ্গো প্রজাতন্ত্র Congo, Democratic Republic of the Demokratische Republik Kongo Λαϊκή Δημοκρατία του Κονγκό Democratic Republic of the Congo República Democrática del Congo République démocratique du Congo कांगो लोकतान्त्रिक गणराज्य Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaság Republik Demokratik Kongo Repubblica Democratica del Congo コンゴ民主共和国 콩고 민주 공화국 15 Democratic Republic of the Congo Congo-Kinshasa Demokratyczna Republika Konga República Democrática do Congo Демократическая Республика Конго Congo, Dem. Rep. Kongo-Kinshasa Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti Cộng hòa Dân chủ Congo 刚果民主共和国 1159320513 83301151 16 2017 DRC Africa Sub-Saharan Africa 1 COD Democratic Republic of the Congo COD 0 Middle Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo -99 Sovereign country 180 ZR ZAR Q974 -99 23424780 23424780 Exact WOE match as country
1159321261 Som. 4 SOM SOM -99 SOM -99 0 Somalia SOM 0 Somalia Africa 7. Least developed region Admin-0 country SO Federal Republic of Somalia 4719.0 2016 0 Somalia SOM 1 5. Low income SO SOM SOM 706 6 1987 2 7 7 2 8 6 9.0 4.0 0.0 Somalia الصومال সোমালিয়া Somalia Somalia Σομαλία Somalia Somalia Somalie सोमालिया Szomália Somalia Somalia ソマリア 소말리아 7 Somalia Somalië Somalia Somália Сомали Somalia Somalia Somali Somalia 索马里 1159321261 7531386 13 2017 SO Africa Sub-Saharan Africa 1 SOM Somalia SOM 0 Eastern Africa Somalia -99 Sovereign country 706 SO SOM Q1045 -99 -90 23424949 Includes Somaliland (2347021, 2347020, 2347017 and portion of 2347016)
1159320971 Ken. 4 KEN KEN -99 KEN -99 0 Kenya KEN 0 Kenya Africa 5. Emerging region: G20 Admin-0 country KE Republic of Kenya 152700.0 2016 0 Kenya KEN 1 5. Low income KE KEN KEN 404 2 2009 2 5 3 5 2 7 6.7 1.7 0.0 Kenya كينيا কেনিয়া Kenya Kenia Κένυα Kenya Kenia Kenya कीनिया Kenya Kenya Kenya ケニア 케냐 5 Kenya Kenia Kenia Quénia Кения Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya 肯尼亚 1159320971 47615739 15 2017 KE Africa Sub-Saharan Africa 1 KEN Kenya KEN 0 Eastern Africa Kenya -99 Sovereign country 404 KE KEN Q114 -99 23424863 23424863 Exact WOE match as country
1159321229 Sudan 5 SDN SDN -99 SDN -99 0 Sudan SDN 0 Sudan Africa 6. Developing region Admin-0 country SU Republic of the Sudan 176300.0 2016 0 Sudan SDN 1 4. Lower middle income SD SDN SDN 729 3 2008 2 5 1 2 6 4 8.0 3.0 0.0 Sudan السودان সুদান Sudan Sudan Σουδάν Sudan Sudán Soudan सूडान Szudán Sudan Sudan スーダン 수단 5 Sudan Soedan Sudan Sudão Судан Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan 苏丹共和国 1159321229 37345935 15 2017 SD Africa Sub-Saharan Africa 1 SDN Sudan SDN 0 Northern Africa Sudan -99 Sovereign country 729 SD SDN Q1049 -99 -90 23424952 Almost all FLickr photos are in the north.
1159321301 Chad 4 TCD TCD -99 TCD -99 0 Chad TCD 0 Chad Africa 7. Least developed region Admin-0 country CD Republic of Chad 30590.0 2016 0 Chad TCD 1 5. Low income TD TCD TCD 148 3 2009 2 4 6 6 1 8 8.0 3.0 0.0 Chad تشاد চাদ Chad Tschad Τσαντ Chad Chad Tchad चाड Csád Chad Ciad チャド 차드 4 Chad Tsjaad Czad Chade Чад Chad Tchad Çad Tchad 乍得 1159321301 12075985 14 2017 TD Africa Sub-Saharan Africa 1 TCD Chad TCD 0 Middle Africa Chad -99 Sovereign country 148 TD TCD Q657 -99 23424777 23424777 Exact WOE match as country
1159320839 Haiti 5 HTI HTI -99 HTI -99 0 Haiti HTI 0 Haiti North America 7. Least developed region Admin-0 country HA Republic of Haiti 19340.0 2016 0 Haiti HTI 1 5. Low income HT HTI HTI 332 5 2003 2 5 2 2 1 7 9.0 4.0 0.0 Haiti هايتي হাইতি Haiti Haiti Αϊτή Haiti Haití Haïti हैती Haiti Haiti Haiti ハイチ 아이티 5 Haiti Haïti Haiti Haiti Республика Гаити Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti 海地 1159320839 10646714 14 2017 HT Americas Latin America & Caribbean 1 HTI Haiti HTI 0 Caribbean Haiti -99 Sovereign country 332 HT HTI Q790 -99 23424839 23424839 Exact WOE match as country
1159320563 Dom. Rep. 9 DOM DOM -99 DOM -99 0 Dominican Republic DOM 0 Dominican Rep. North America 6. Developing region Admin-0 country DR Dominican Republic 161900.0 2016 0 Dominican Republic DOM 1 3. Upper middle income DO DOM DOM 214 5 2010 2 18 7 5 2 5 9.5 4.5 0.0 Dominican Rep. جمهورية الدومينيكان ডোমিনিকান প্রজাতন্ত্র Dominican Republic Dominikanische Republik Δομινικανή Δημοκρατία Dominican Republic República Dominicana République dominicaine डोमिनिकन गणराज्य Dominikai Köztársaság Republik Dominika Repubblica Dominicana ドミニカ共和国 도미니카 공화국 14 Dominican Republic Dominicaanse Republiek Dominikana República Dominicana Доминиканская Республика Dominican Republic Dominikanska republiken Dominik Cumhuriyeti Cộng hòa Dominica 多明尼加 1159320563 10734247 14 2017 DO Americas Latin America & Caribbean 1 DOM Dominican Republic DOM 0 Caribbean Dominican Republic -99 Sovereign country 214 DO DOM Q786 -99 23424800 23424800 Exact WOE match as country
1159321201 Rus. 4 RUS RUS -99 RUS -99 0 Russia RUS 0 Russia Europe 3. Emerging region: BRIC Admin-0 country RS Russian Federation 3745000.0 2016 0 Russia RUS 1 3. Upper middle income RU RUS RUS 643 2 2010 2 18 7 2 5 7 5.2 1.7 0.0 Russia روسيا রাশিয়া Russia Russland Ρωσία Russia Rusia Russie रूस Oroszország Rusia Russia ロシア 러시아 6 Russian Federation Rusland Rosja Rússia Россия Russian Federation Ryssland Rusya Nga 俄罗斯 1159321201 142257519 17 2017 RUS Europe Europe & Central Asia 1 RUS Russia RUS 0 Eastern Europe Russia -99 Sovereign country 643 RU RUS Q159 -99 23424936 23424936 Exact WOE match as country
1159320415 Bhs. 4 BHS BHS -99 BHS -99 0 The Bahamas BHS 0 Bahamas North America 6. Developing region Admin-0 country BF Commonwealth of the Bahamas 9066.0 2016 0 The Bahamas BHS 1 2. High income: nonOECD BS BHS BHS 044 4 2010 2 7 5 1 1 2 9.0 4.0 0.0 Bahamas باهاماس বাহামা দ্বীপপুঞ্জ Bahamas, The Bahamas Μπαχάμες The Bahamas Bahamas Bahamas बहामास Bahama-szigetek Bahama Bahama バハマ 바하마 7 Bahamas Bahama's Bahamy Bahamas Багамские Острова Bahamas, The Bahamas Bahamalar Bahamas 巴哈马 1159320415 329988 10 2017 BS Americas Latin America & Caribbean 1 BHS The Bahamas BHS 0 Caribbean The Bahamas -99 Sovereign country 044 BS BHS Q778 -99 23424758 23424758 Exact WOE match as country