MS4W Demo WMS / WFS / OGCAPI Server - Collection Items: World Countries


Number of matching items: 177
Number of returned items: 10
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ID abbrev abbrev_len adm0_a3 adm0_a3_is adm0_a3_un adm0_a3_us adm0_a3_wb adm0_dif admin brk_a3 brk_diff brk_group brk_name continent economy featurecla fips_10_ formal_en formal_fr gdp_md_est gdp_year geou_dif geounit gu_a3 homepart income_grp iso_a2 iso_a3 iso_a3_eh iso_n3 labelrank lastcensus level long_len mapcolor13 mapcolor7 mapcolor8 mapcolor9 max_label min_label min_zoom name name_alt name_ar name_bn name_ciawf name_de name_el name_en name_es name_fr name_hi name_hu name_id name_it name_ja name_ko name_len name_long name_nl name_pl name_pt name_ru name_sort name_sv name_tr name_vi name_zh ne_id note_adm0 note_brk pop_est pop_rank pop_year postal region_un region_wb scalerank sov_a3 sovereignt su_a3 su_dif subregion subunit tiny type un_a3 wb_a2 wb_a3 wikidataid wikipedia woe_id woe_id_eh woe_note
1159320615 Est. 4 EST EST -99 EST -99 0 Estonia EST 0 Estonia Europe 2. Developed region: nonG7 Admin-0 country EN Republic of Estonia 38700.0 2016 0 Estonia EST 1 1. High income: OECD EE EST EST 233 6 2000 2 7 10 3 2 1 8.0 3.0 0.0 Estonia إستونيا এস্তোনিয়া Estonia Estland Εσθονία Estonia Estonia Estonie एस्टोनिया Észtország Estonia Estonia エストニア 에스토니아 7 Estonia Estland Estonia Estónia Эстония Estonia Estland Estonya Estonia 爱沙尼亚 1159320615 1251581 12 2017 EST Europe Europe & Central Asia 1 EST Estonia EST 0 Northern Europe Estonia -99 Sovereign country 233 EE EST Q191 -99 23424805 23424805 Exact WOE match as country
1159320539 Ger. 4 DEU DEU -99 DEU -99 0 Germany DEU 0 Germany Europe 1. Developed region: G7 Admin-0 country GM Federal Republic of Germany 3979000.0 2016 0 Germany DEU 1 1. High income: OECD DE DEU DEU 276 2 2011 2 7 1 2 5 5 6.7 1.7 0.0 Germany ألمانيا জার্মানি Germany Deutschland Γερμανία Germany Alemania Allemagne जर्मनी Németország Jerman Germania ドイツ 독일 7 Germany Duitsland Niemcy Alemanha Германия Germany Tyskland Almanya Đức 德国 1159320539 80594017 16 2017 D Europe Europe & Central Asia 1 DEU Germany DEU 0 Western Europe Germany -99 Sovereign country 276 DE DEU Q183 -99 23424829 23424829 Exact WOE match as country
1159320409 Bulg. 5 BGR BGR -99 BGR -99 0 Bulgaria BGR 0 Bulgaria Europe 2. Developed region: nonG7 Admin-0 country BU Republic of Bulgaria 143100.0 2016 0 Bulgaria BGR 1 3. Upper middle income BG BGR BGR 100 4 2011 2 8 8 4 5 1 9.0 4.0 0.0 Bulgaria بلغاريا বুলগেরিয়া Bulgaria Bulgarien Βουλγαρία Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgarie बुल्गारिया Bulgária Bulgaria Bulgaria ブルガリア 불가리아 8 Bulgaria Bulgarije Bułgaria Bulgária Болгария Bulgaria Bulgarien Bulgaristan Bulgaria 保加利亚 1159320409 7101510 13 2017 BG Europe Europe & Central Asia 1 BGR Bulgaria BGR 0 Eastern Europe Bulgaria -99 Sovereign country 100 BG BGR Q219 -99 23424771 23424771 Exact WOE match as country
1159320811 Greece 6 GRC GRC -99 GRC -99 0 Greece GRC 0 Greece Europe 2. Developed region: nonG7 Admin-0 country GR Hellenic Republic 290500.0 2016 0 Greece GRC 1 1. High income: OECD GR GRC GRC 300 3 2011 2 6 9 2 2 2 8.0 3.0 0.0 Greece اليونان গ্রিস Greece Griechenland Ελλάδα Greece Grecia Grèce यूनान Görögország Yunani Grecia ギリシャ 그리스 6 Greece Griekenland Grecja Grécia Греция Greece Grekland Yunanistan Hy Lạp 希腊 1159320811 10768477 14 2017 GR Europe Europe & Central Asia 1 GRC Greece GRC 0 Southern Europe Greece -99 Sovereign country 300 GR GRC Q41 -99 23424833 23424833 Exact WOE match as country
1159321331 Tur. 4 TUR TUR -99 TUR -99 0 Turkey TUR 0 Turkey Asia 4. Emerging region: MIKT Admin-0 country TU Republic of Turkey 1670000.0 2016 0 Turkey TUR 1 3. Upper middle income TR TUR TUR 792 2 2000 2 6 4 6 3 8 7.0 2.0 0.0 Turkey تركيا তুরস্ক Turkey Türkei Τουρκία Turkey Turquía Turquie तुर्की Törökország Turki Turchia トルコ 터키 6 Turkey Turkije Turcja Turquia Турция Turkey Turkiet Türkiye Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ 土耳其 1159321331 80845215 16 2017 TR Asia Europe & Central Asia 1 TUR Turkey TUR 0 Western Asia Turkey -99 Sovereign country 792 TR TUR Q43 -99 23424969 23424969 Exact WOE match as country
1159320325 Alb. 4 ALB ALB -99 ALB -99 0 Albania ALB 0 Albania Europe 6. Developing region Admin-0 country AL Republic of Albania 33900.0 2016 0 Albania ALB 1 4. Lower middle income AL ALB ALB 008 6 2001 2 7 6 1 4 1 10.0 5.0 0.0 Albania ألبانيا আলবেনিয়া Albania Albanien Αλβανία Albania Albania Albanie अल्बानिया Albánia Albania Albania アルバニア 알바니아 7 Albania Albanië Albania Albânia Албания Albania Albanien Arnavutluk Albania 阿尔巴尼亚 1159320325 3047987 12 2017 AL Europe Europe & Central Asia 1 ALB Albania ALB 0 Southern Europe Albania -99 Sovereign country 008 AL ALB Q222 -99 23424742 23424742 Exact WOE match as country
1159320833 Cro. 4 HRV HRV -99 HRV -99 0 Croatia HRV 0 Croatia Europe 2. Developed region: nonG7 Admin-0 country HR Republic of Croatia 94240.0 2016 0 Croatia HRV 1 2. High income: nonOECD HR HRV HRV 191 6 2011 2 7 1 5 4 5 9.0 4.0 0.0 Croatia كرواتيا ক্রোয়েশিয়া Croatia Kroatien Κροατία Croatia Croacia Croatie क्रोएशिया Horvátország Kroasia Croazia クロアチア 크로아티아 7 Croatia Kroatië Chorwacja Croácia Хорватия Croatia Kroatien Hırvatistan Croatia 克罗地亚 1159320833 4292095 12 2017 HR Europe Europe & Central Asia 1 HRV Croatia HRV 0 Southern Europe Croatia -99 Sovereign country 191 HR HRV Q224 -99 23424843 23424843 Exact WOE match as country
1159320491 Switz. 6 CHE CHE -99 CHE -99 0 Switzerland CHE 0 Switzerland Europe 2. Developed region: nonG7 Admin-0 country SZ Swiss Confederation 496300.0 2016 0 Switzerland CHE 1 1. High income: OECD CH CHE CHE 756 4 2010 2 11 3 5 2 7 9.0 4.0 0.0 Switzerland سويسرا সুইজারল্যান্ড Switzerland Schweiz Ελβετία Switzerland Suiza Suisse स्विट्ज़रलैण्ड Svájc Swiss Svizzera スイス 스위스 11 Switzerland Zwitserland Szwajcaria Suíça Швейцария Switzerland Schweiz İsviçre Thụy Sĩ 瑞士 1159320491 8236303 13 2017 CH Europe Europe & Central Asia 1 CHE Switzerland CHE 0 Western Europe Switzerland -99 Sovereign country 756 CH CHE Q39 -99 23424957 23424957 Exact WOE match as country
1159321031 Lux. 4 LUX LUX -99 LUX -99 0 Luxembourg LUX 0 Luxembourg Europe 2. Developed region: nonG7 Admin-0 country LU Grand Duchy of Luxembourg 58740.0 2016 0 Luxembourg LUX 1 1. High income: OECD LU LUX LUX 442 6 2011 2 10 7 1 7 3 10.0 5.7 0.0 Luxembourg لوكسمبورغ লুক্সেমবুর্গ Luxembourg Luxemburg Λουξεμβούργο Luxembourg Luxemburgo Luxembourg लक्ज़मबर्ग Luxemburg Luksemburg Lussemburgo ルクセンブルク 룩셈부르크 10 Luxembourg Luxemburg Luksemburg Luxemburgo Люксембург Luxembourg Luxemburg Lüksemburg Luxembourg 卢森堡 1159321031 594130 11 2017 L Europe Europe & Central Asia 1 LUX Luxembourg LUX 0 Western Europe Luxembourg 5 Sovereign country 442 LU LUX Q32 -99 23424881 23424881 Exact WOE match as country
1159320389 Belg. 5 BEL BEL -99 BEL -99 0 Belgium BEL 0 Belgium Europe 2. Developed region: nonG7 Admin-0 country BE Kingdom of Belgium 508600.0 2016 0 Belgium BEL 1 1. High income: OECD BE BEL BEL 056 2 2011 2 7 8 3 2 1 9.0 4.0 0.0 Belgium بلجيكا বেলজিয়াম Belgium Belgien Βέλγιο Belgium Bélgica Belgique बेल्जियम Belgium Belgia Belgio ベルギー 벨기에 7 Belgium België Belgia Bélgica Бельгия Belgium Belgien Belçika Bỉ 比利时 1159320389 11491346 14 2017 B Europe Europe & Central Asia 1 BEL Belgium BEL 0 Western Europe Belgium -99 Sovereign country 056 BE BEL Q31 -99 23424757 23424757 Exact WOE match as country