# # $Id: httpd_ms_ogc_workshop.conf,v 1.2 2008/03/12 21:37:35 yassefa Exp $ # # NOTE: this file MUST exist in # # # \ms4w\httpd.d\ # # # # # make /ms4w/apps/mum2_ogc_workshop # HTTP accesible as: # http://localhost/mum2_ogc_workshop Alias /ms-ogc-workshop/ "/ms4w/apps/ms-ogc-workshop/" # set directory defaults for the above mappingAllowOverride None Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Multiviews Order allow,deny Allow from all # When MapServer runs in CGI mode, the following # environment variable MUST be set: # # MS_MAPFILE through sysenv # # or 'map=' through HTTP # # you use this file to declare statements which # hide mapfiles through setting environment variables # # you may want to hide your mapfile to protect # for the following reasons: # # - preventing exposing your file directory structure # - making a nicer looking URL # # format: # # SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI "HTTP_PATH_TO_URL" MS_MAPFILE=/path/to/mapfile # # example: # # SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI "/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe" MS_MAPFILE=/ms4w/map.map # # STEPS: # - copy and paste your mapserv.exe to another filename in cgi-bin # - refer to the new filename in the line below # SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI "/cgi-bin/ms_ogc_workshop" MS_MAPFILE=/ms4w/apps/ms_ogc_workshop/service/config.map