Module: ol/control/MousePosition




Type Definitions


Name Type Argument Default Description
className string <optional>

CSS class name.

coordinateFormat module:ol/coordinate~CoordinateFormat <optional>

Coordinate format.

projection module:ol/proj~ProjectionLike <optional>

Projection. Default is the view projection.

render function <optional>

Function called when the control should be re-rendered. This is called in a requestAnimationFrame callback.

target HTMLElement | string <optional>

Specify a target if you want the control to be rendered outside of the map's viewport.

placeholder string | boolean <optional>

Markup to show when the mouse position is not available (e.g. when the pointer leaves the map viewport). By default, a non-breaking space is rendered when the mouse leaves the viewport. To render something else, provide a string to be used as the text content (e.g. 'no position' or '' for an empty string). Set the placeholder to false to retain the last position when the mouse leaves the viewport. In a future release, this will be the default behavior.

undefinedHTML string <optional>

This option is deprecated. Use the placeholder option instead.