Module: ol/source/ImageArcGISRest




Type Definitions


Name Type Argument Default Description
attributions module:ol/source/Source~AttributionLike <optional>


crossOrigin null | string <optional>

The crossOrigin attribute for loaded images. Note that you must provide a crossOrigin value if you want to access pixel data with the Canvas renderer. See for more detail.

hidpi boolean <optional>

Use the ol/Map#pixelRatio value when requesting the image from the remote server.

imageLoadFunction module:ol/Image~LoadFunction <optional>

Optional function to load an image given a URL.

imageSmoothing boolean <optional>

Enable image smoothing.

params Object.<string, *> <optional>

ArcGIS Rest parameters. This field is optional. Service defaults will be used for any fields not specified. FORMAT is PNG32 by default. F is IMAGE by default. TRANSPARENT is true by default. BBOX, SIZE, BBOXSR, and IMAGESR will be set dynamically. Set LAYERS to override the default service layer visibility. See for further reference.

projection module:ol/proj~ProjectionLike <optional>

Projection. Default is the view projection. The projection code must contain a numeric end portion separated by : or the entire code must form a valid ArcGIS SpatialReference definition.

ratio number <optional>

Ratio. 1 means image requests are the size of the map viewport, 2 means twice the size of the map viewport, and so on.

resolutions Array.<number> <optional>

Resolutions. If specified, requests will be made for these resolutions only.

url string <optional>

ArcGIS Rest service URL for a Map Service or Image Service. The url should include /MapServer or /ImageServer.